wine tasting

The First Wines of the Year: "Il Sapiente" & "Caveja"

Our 2020 closed with the release of two wines united by a special bond: a production philosophy able to unite the strong international spirit of two great wines - Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot – to the specific characteristics of wines produced in the majestic Valle del Santerno.

Potente and Sintria are not, however, the only wines in the Tenute d’Italia catalogue characterised by this special kind of union, one that renders them almost inseparable. The Conte Zardi brand, the line inspired by the most ancient Romagnola winemaking tradition, in fact encompasses another shining example of our winemaker’s ability to conceive projects which are able to develop successfully intriguing inspirations.

Il Sapiente and Caveja are two truly spectacular examples in which the principal protagonist is the Sangiovese. A variety of grape which is undoubtably among the most illustrious in the Italian winemaking tradition. Within the Conte Zardi line this vine is offered the opportunity of a profoundly traditional interpretation, capable of evoking Romagna as an authentic spiritual dimension.

In both the wines – ascribed to the Sangiovese Rubicone I.G.P. denomination – the Sangiovese makes up 85% … but it is in the remaining 15% that the real magic of the Il Sapiente and Caveja comes to maturity.

The production philosophy followed by the Tenute d’Italia oenologists for the creation of these products has been inspired by the desire to crown the Re Sangiovese (King Sangiovese) with the exuberant character of two other vines, both historically tied to the Romagna territories. 

Il Sapiente completes its blend with the Syrah, the celebrated international vine that can boast a long tradition of production in Romagna, whilst for Caveja the Sangiovese harmonises perfectly with a native variety, the Malbo Gentile

The refinement process of the two wines also follows a similar protocol: following a first stage of vinification carried out completely in steel tanks, Il Sapiente and Caveja are subjected to ageing in large barrels (tonneaux) capable of giving that perfect roundness that distinguishes them.

Although conceived under the same banner of the said productive philosophy, just like Potente and Sintria, Il Sapiente and Caveja, at the tasting stage are also able to, despite their congruity, regale us with unique emotions.

In fact, the tasting reveals the profound charm of researching the different nuances that Sangiovese is able to assume when placed alongside each of the two varieties, giving the taster an experience with a strong educational... and emotional value.

Keep following our blog for articles dedicated to the tasting of

Il Sapiente and Caveja!

Remember that on our website you can find the technical data and a list of the numerous awards obtained for all of our wines: for further information you can also contact our commercial office by filling in the relevant form o by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Follow us too on our social channels Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube and share your tasting using the hashtag #tenuteditalia

The green soul of Sangiovese Polidoro

Sangiovese Polidoro is one of the two noble organic princes at the court of Tenute d'Italia: intense, full-bodied and structured, it represents the simplicity of Sangiovese at its best – a solid armor with a fresh green soul.

The production path of this wine starts from the soil, with a rigorous selection work by expert technical agronomists and oenologists to identify the vineyard’s particles most suitable for the production of quality grapes. Only starting from the processing of a perfect raw material, it is possible to achieve a final result so precious, capable of enchanting and impressing itself in the memory of the taster.

Sangiovese Polidoro ferments in glass-lined concrete tanks at a controlled temperature for up to 30 days, and only at a later time is subjected to malolactic fermentation which brings the wine to maturity.

But why do we ferment wine in concrete tanks?

It is important to know that the material in which the wine is contained has a great influence on it: some materials are inert and unable to transmit flavors to the wine, such as glass-lined concrete. The advantage of this material is his neutrality, which allows not to alter the wine and to preserve its peculiar, olfactory and gustatory notes, in addition to being an excellent thermal insulator.

Sangiovese Polidoro is characterized by a sparkling ruby ​​red color and adorned with a rich fruity bouquet from which the delicious wild strawberry stands out. An essential trait of the personality of this wine is the brilliant freshness on the palate, enriched by a clear tannin capable of supporting its magnificent aromatic persistence.

Sangiovese Polidoro is the enchanting companion of a vast number of dishes, among which fish main courses with Mediterranean aromas, tasty horse tartare and sweet and sour meats stand out.

This splendid organic red embodies the greener soul of Tenute d'Italia: the perfect expression of the encounter between the love for our land and the dedication to our work, Sangiovese Polidoro is a pure, genuine organic wine which we go very proud of.

The Most Valid Opinion of a Wine? Yours!

As we have already mentioned, the tasting of a wine is a gradual operation, articulated in several, precise steps that allow us to neatly analyse all the characteristics.

Then, we will first focus on each one singly, then gradually correlate them, systematically, to outline the overall profile of the wine and allow us to formulate our judgment in a reasoned way and as objectively as possible.

When we prepare to taste a wine we are duty bound to approach it from a detached, non-partisan standpoint, as objectively as possible … although this principle of objectivity can never really be guaranteed in such a deeply sunjective process!

It must be said that there are many factors that can influence our judgment, and not only at a strictly sensory level. Our tasting can also be strongly influenced by factors that we could, in a very general way, define psychological.

Our mood, for example, can incline us to look on a wine favourably or unfavourably. This could be due to the memories it may evoke, (we might associate it with a particularly joyful or unpleasant event) or it could be that, at the moment of tasting, we have received good (or bad) news. Or we could be going through a particularly stressful (or rewarding) period at work or in our studies.Even sharing the wine in pleasant (or less pleasant!) company can certainly affect the judgement that we will formulate at the end of the tasting.

But not only that.

We have already mentioned the influence that the economic factor could have in the process of familiarisation with the world of wine. We concluded that this factor doesn’t in any way compromise the educational potential of each product.While fully confirming this point, it is undeniable that we will certainly be more inclined to make a positive assessment of a wine that represents a greater economical investment, whereas we will feel more comfortable in finding defects in a glass with less expensive content.

Another factor that may incline our judgement in a particular direction could also be our knowing the producer of the wine that we are tasting. That can put us in the (almost obvious) position of matching the degree of our interpersonal relationship with that of our judgement, or the real comparison between our judgement and that of others.

Beyond being able to declare ourselves in agreement or disagreement with the arguments put forward by the opinion leaders on the public stage, the way we are far more likely to be faced with this issue is certainly when confronting all those who play the same role in our private spheres.

They could be relatives or friends in whom we recognise a certain competence in the matter, and in whose judgements we have confidence. Or it could be that they have somehow self-assigned themselves to the role of wine experts and, as such, excel in discussions on the subject. Being able to detach ourselves from an “authoritative” opinion is not always easy: we could end up completely questioning our own dissonant perceptions and relying completely on the judgement of someone else. Or we could even give up the debate altogether, losing, one way or the other, a good opportunity for a comparison of ideas.

Reading this article we’re pretty sure that everyone will be able to identify with one or other of the scenarios presented and, perhaps, will now have their curiosity aroused to repeat the tasting of some wines to check their impressions again.

So here is our advice: every time you prepare to taste a wine, be true to your senses, to your perceptions. This honesty, which we must demonstrate first and foremost towards ourselves, is the best quality of a taster, the ingredient that makes every opinion truly legitimate and valuable.

Wine reveals all its social power precisely because of its ability to create dialogue, and those who limit the potential of this magnificent sharing of ideas are not showing respect respect to the wine itself.

So, if our approach to tasting needs to be profoundly honest, there are even more measures that we can take to ensure an even greater degree of neutrality. For example, we can perform a blind tasting, that is to taste one or more wines without reading the label, formulating our judgments, making comparisons, delighting in a real game of recognition... and finally enjoying the surprise of seeing the true identity revealed!

The Phases of Tasting

In our brief introduction, we might well say that we have presented the wine tasting technique as a real intellectual exercise, undoubtedly useful for cultivating our love for this extraordinary product, but at the same time a precious tool for developing an ever more attentive look at the reality that surrounds us, or rather... that we find daily served on the table.

We have also already defined the tasting technique as an "ordered analytical procedure aimed at describing a wine starting from its characteristics, which are first captured singly and subsequently put into a perspective of its entirety". But what exactly does that mean?

When we speak of an “ordered analytical procedure” we refer to an actual system that guides our examination, comprising different phases which, in turn, provide for an exact sequence of elements to be submitted to our judgement. But let's make the topic more understandable by going into detail.

The tasting of a wine consists of four main phases:

  • Visual analysis
  • Olfactory analysis
  • The Gustatory analysis
  • The General judgement

It is quite fascinating to note how our tasting is outlined as a dynamic procedure, in constant movement, that involves first our gradual physical approach to the wine - through the sensory analysis phases – finishing with a step back to assume the critical distance necessary to place every detail in an overall view.

This last movement inherent in tasting - which however takes place on a purely cognitive level - is in fact the passage from the specific to the general, that is, from the judgement of each aspect first in its singularity and then as part of a larger whole.

As we will see, it is precisely the congruity between all our perceptions that is one of the main aspects that contributes to determining - positively or negatively - the sign of our judgement.

What determines the SOFTNESS of the wine?

How many times have you heard this adjective used with regard to wine?

In the previous article we have discussed the fact that some components present in wine, for example the alcohol, may make us detect a certain ‘softness’ of the wine.

But to clarify the matter, we would like to underline that the softness of a wine is not a characteristic of flavor, dictated by our taste buds, but it is a tactile sensation of density, of roundness of the wine, which envelops the tongue and palate, linked to the characteristics of the vine, to the structure of the wine and the way it was vinified.

In what sense can the characteristics of the vine affect the softness of the wine produced?

Among the substances present during the fermentation of the grape is glycerine, a principle component of the polyalcohols. On its own glycerine does not have any aromatic qualities but thanks to its sweetish flavour and its viscosity and density it contributes to increasing the sense of fullness and softness in the mouth.

The specific characteristics of grapes are one of the important elements for determining the amount of glycerin produced during fermentation. For this reason vines such as Cabernet, Merlot and Chardonnay are known for the production of softer wines and for being used to "soften" and balance other types of wines which by nature are sharper and more astringent.

What determines the SWEETNESS of the wine?

What would be your answer to this question?

This question, which may seem banal, in reality allows us to investigate different aspects which contribute to the achievement of this sensation perceived by our palate as we are tasting the wine.

Let’s start by saying that the basic tastes that we can identify are these four: acidic, salty, sweet and bitter and from the combination of these four flavours arise all the other flavours.

We are able to identify these flavours thanks to the sensory receptors present in our oral cavity and which are called taste buds. To be more specific the sweet flavour is identified mainly by the taste buds at the tip of the tongue.

It is interesting that this sensation identified by our tongue is not exclusively traceable to the sugars present in the wine that we are tasting, but also to other factors, internal and external to the wine, such as the alcoholic content or the serving temperature of the wine itself. 

Let’s try to better understand these three components.

Having already read our articles about the fermentation process we learned how the sugars present in the grape must, become metabolized by the yeast and transformed into alcohol.

But in reality, not all the sugars are metabolized completely, due either to the sugar’s natural structure or to the choices made by the winemaker. For example, some types of sugars, such as those defined as "pentose sugars", cannot be transformed into alcohol by yeasts due to their structure. On the other hand, the winemaker may choose to halt the fermentation at a specific moment, determining how much glucose and fructose to leave in the wine. The set of these sugars defines the "sugar residue" and contributes to our perception of sweetness.

On the basis of this indicator, a scale of sweetness has been defined according to the residual sugar present in the wine, which defines still wines as "Dry" (less than 5 g/l), "Semi-dry" (between 5-30 g/l; up to 15 g/l it is defined as “Abboccato”), “Semi-sweet” (between 30-50 g/l), “Sweet” (above 50 g/l).

For sparkling wines this scale of sweetness varies, as the effervescence given by the carbon dioxide present in them, given its acidic action, tends to attenuate the perception of sweetness in the wine, harmonizing wines which often have very high quantities of sugar residues. The sweetness scale for sparkling wines is: "Brut Nature" (less than 3 gr/l), "Extra-Brut" (from 3-6 gr/l), "Brut" (from 6-12 gr/l) , “Extra dry” (from 12-17 g/l), “Dry” (from 17-32 g/l), “Semi-dry” (from 32-50 g/l) and “Sweet” (over 50 g/l L).

As discussed above, another component in the wine that contributes to the sensation of sweetness that we find when we drink a wine, are the alcohols present in it.  In our mouths the alcohols provoke a sense of “sweetness” similar to the sweetness from the sugars and as a result they may accentuate the sensation of sweetness that we perceive.

Let's give practical examples of wines that we will introduce to you in more detail in the next articles:  “Il Sapiente Limited Edition” is a Barbera Sangiovese blend (60% Barbera – 40% Sangiovese), greatly appreciated by our partners because it is an innovative wine in an elegant guise. It has a residual sugar of about 10gr/lt, therefore it is a "sweet" wine, a very "international" taste, whose softness is also perceptible thanks to the high alcohol content (15%), a significant amount but not so strong as to limit the drinking.


But we said that there is another external factor that influences the perception of sweetness in a wine, and we are speaking of temperature.

The serving temperature of a wine can change our perception of the sensation of sweetness, falsifying it. Why are sweet wines usually served at a low temperature?

Because this compensates for the high presence of sugars that otherwise may not be so pleasant.

In the case, for example, of red wines, which are served at a higher temperature, the temperature stimulates the taste buds and tricks our brain into perceiving greater sweetness. This phenomenon is defined by wine makers as ‘Thermic sugars’.

We have tried to explain to you in a simple way what causes the sensation of sweetness during a wine tasting, and as we have discussed above, this sensation confers to the wine a certain ‘softness’. In the next article we’ll talk about this topic.

White sparkling wine: the consolidated love between grape juice and bubbles

Always combined with the most disparate dishes, white sparkling wine is one of the most consumed wines of all, both in Italy and abroad.

Its effervescence lightens even the most complicated days, sweeping away any bad thoughts, right from the first sip. Yet, what we consume so naturally in reality, does not exist at all in nature.

In fact, wine is not born sparkling but becomes so, during the very first process of alcoholic fermentation. The love - now consolidated - between wine and bubbles therefore flares up from the earliest stages of production, when the grapes are pressed and transformed into must.

Clara C: the white sparkling wine for every type of palate

Clara C is a white sparkling wine which perfectly celebrates the relationship between grape juice and bubbles.

A wonderful Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG from the homonymous winery, it is grown in the famous hills of Conegliano Valdobbiadene, between Venice and the Dolomites.

A bright greenish colored Prosecco, crossed by a minute perlage, Clara C gives off an intense, very fine and fruity aroma. A dry and lean white sparkling wine, it is a soft and well balanced product, with an excellent aromatic persistence.

For this reason, it is perfect as an aperitif, but also a perfect companion with fish, crustaceans and shellfish appetizers. 

White Wine...or Yellow? - Part 1

We have seen how the colour of a wine is not a characteristic necessarily connected to the type of grape processed but derives from a precise choice that the producer makes between the white or red vinification method. If the first involves the prompt separation of the must from the pomace, the second makes use the colouring substances concentrated precisely in the pomace, which are transferred to the must through more or less prolonged contact.

It has also been highlighted how the chromatic reference contained in the names of these two different procedures (white and red) can easily be misleading, as it could suggest an unequivocal correlation between the type of grape being processed and the vinification method. On the contrary, it is possible to make red vinifications of white grapes as well as obtain white wines from red grapes.

As you may have noticed, wine is a topic that has its own specific language, and precisely in this regard we offer you a reflection on one of its most singular characteristics, namely the use of the adjective white to refer to things that are actually a completely different colour!

The term white is in fact used to refer to elements, that is the grapes and the wines themselves, the hues of which actually belong to shades of yellow and sometimes green.

It is no coincidence that precisely in the description of the colour of a white wine, the vocabulary used in tasting provides for the use of the term yellow (straw yellow, golden yellow, amber yellow).

So why don't we distinguish the wines as red and … yellow?


White Wine...or Yellow? - Part 2

[READ THE PREVIOUS ARTICLE - White Wine...or Yellow? Part 1]

Let us start by admitting that we don’t have a definitive answer to this question, but it was certainly interesting to carry out a little bit of research on this small curiosity, rather widespread among wine lovers around the world.

The most popular solutions to our conundrum are basically these two. The first refers to our general tendency, in language, to simplify reality: just as we call black a tea with a more reddish tint, the term white will define all the grapes and wines that have light hues or, to put it better, non-red.

In this sense, it’s also possible to explain the further, recent development of the winemaking language that has assigned the colour orange to that particular type of wine produced with white berried grapes through red vinification and, in this case, according to biological and biodynamic methods. Although the production process involves a particularly intense colouring of these wines, which often take on really orange hues, we can see how in this case the colour reference is used more than anything else to identify a production philosophy, thus defining a category (orange wines) which in turn simplifies the colour spectrum of the wines it groups together.

Another possible explanation of the choice to define as white grapes and wines, that are anything but clear, could provide a psychological reasoning on our language: the term white suggests, in fact, a powerful reference to cleanliness and purity, essential characteristics for a wine of any kind type, but absolutely essential for a white, in which clarity and brilliance are, by definition, key elements.

Last but not least, it should also be noted that the yellow colour related to a drink could potentially inspire unpleasant analogies, and we do not exclude that this factor was also decisive in consolidating the preference for the term white.

However, all these considerations, in particular the last one, disintegrate when we prepare to actually describe the colour of our wine: the tasting lexicon in fact provides for the reference to a chromatic scale based on the different modulations of hue and intensity of its own yellow colour... a perfect demonstration that this is the true colour of white wine!

Wine conquers China: the first importer in the world

2020 was a difficult year for everyone, especially for businesses and companies that, in the space of a few months, saw their work stop and their assets collapsing dramatically.

The Covid-19 pandemic has put a strain on our peninsula and the rest of the world, putting somehow at risk even the wine market, a great source of income and a fundamental element for our tradition.

According to Mediobanca, in collaboration with Sace and Ipsos, in 2020 the main Italian wine producers ended the year with a decrease in turnover of 4.1%, especially for as regards the internal market.

As often happens, however, after every great fall there is a great recovery: in 2021, with the pandemic not completely defeated, the wine market is finally restarting, mostly thanks to exports, with a growth of + 3.5%.

In the two-year period 2021-2022, an increase in wine consumption of 3.8% per year is expected for many of the main markets but it is China that really surprises, with an expected consumption of

+ 6.3%.

In fact, China seems to be willing to be conquered by the world of the wine growing and making market, savoring its flavors and appreciating its aromas.

Traditionally, the Chinese population prefers red wine (80% of the market), considered a valid alternative to spirits and a more sophisticated choice than beer.

Beijing is currently the largest importer of red wine and the sixth world wine consumer: the ever-evolving consumption habits of Chinese people continuously influence the world wine market as a whole, which is growing at exponential levels.

In addition to the growing demand for wine imports, China is significantly increasing the national production of wine, so much so that this country is currently the world leader for the production of grapes.

Today, there are ten different wine-growing areas in China, located mainly in the northern areas of the country: the aim is that to exploit in a balanced way the different climatic conditions and the nature of the territory.

Chinese people are increasingly interested in deepening their knowledge of wine, as evidenced by the exponential growth of specialized wine shops, where courses and tastings of all kinds are organized.

Today, the Chinese wine market is growing more and more but the love that the great Dragon has towards Italian wine does not diminish: the uniqueness and quality of our wines remain a source of inspiration for China, which continues to show us, constantly, great affection.

Wine of The Month: "Caveja"

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In January we decided to inaugurate our annual tasting review taking up the point with which we had concluded the past year, namely the presentation of a pair of wines. First with Potente and Sintria, now with Il Sapiente and Caveja, our intention is in fact to not limit ourselves to a simple description of the products themselves, but to offer our readers, between the lines of these tastings, also an image, a sincere story of our work and our passion.

Through the Cabernet Sauvignon and the Merlot of the Santerno Wines line we have shown the ability of our territory to welcome and interpret the great international tradition: now, with the variations of Sangiovese of the Conte Zardi brand we would like to try to illustrate two projects through which, on the contrary, the most genuine spirit of Romagna has been able to successfully project itself far beyond national borders.

But while Il Sapiente gave us a great example of how it was possible to pursue - and we could well say... reach!! - this goal through a significant contribution of Syrah within the blend (15%), with Caveja we see a real masterpiece of oenology that is 100% made in Romagna.

Respecting the same proportions, Sangiovese Rubicone I.G.P. Caveja composes its own blend with Sangiovese (85%) and Malbo Gentile (15%), two real excellences of the regional viticulture of Emilia-Romagna.

The philosophy underlying the blend remains the same: just like Il Sapiente, Caveja does not present a simple sum of the organoleptic characteristics of the two vines but pursues the much more ambitious goal of an integration to create an absolutely original profile, and it is precisely in that "small" 15% that we can recognize the nucleus from which the character of the wine springs.

The powerful colouring input - with its voluptuous violet reflections - is only the first indication of Malbo Gentile's valuable contribution, which even more clearly reveals itself to the nose enriching the set of fruity notes of Sangiovese: the olfactory examination is a real triumph of ripe, juicy red fruits, whose sweetness recalls the aromas that accompanied the masterly preparation of jams in Grandma’s kitchen. And just as irresistible as were the tastings of those jams while still simmering in the large pots on the cooking stove, so Caveja will use its fatal attraction to compel us to continue our tasting.

Warm, velvety, right from the first sip this splendid Sangiovese will embrace our palate to propose, with perfect consistency, the delicious fruity sensations detected on the nose, framed by the tertiary suggestion conferred by the aging in wood (4-6 months in large barrels of French oak).

The body is full, round, expertly balanced between its soft components - sugar residue and important alcoholic shoulder - and the hard parts, among which stand out the surprising freshness - which intervenes to support and amplify the fruity and sweetly spicy sensations - and the perfect tannin, defined but never intrusive.

On the table Caveja is the ideal wine for the most diverse combinations: from traditional Romagna cuisine (tagliatelle with ragù, potato tortelli with butter and sage, grilled mutton castrato) to preparations of more international inspiration (smoked meat, pork ribs in barbecue sauce, pulled pork, pastrami), without missing delicious temptations of pairing with small pastries and cakes based on shortcrust pastry.

For those who follow our blog and come to this article after reading the previous article dedicated to the description of Il Sapiente (if you are not among them, you can easily recover it by clickinghere) it will certainly have been quite easy to grasp numerous points in common between the two wines, both from a productive point of view (structure of the blend, type of aging) and from the organoleptic one (integration of the typical scents of the two grape varieties, texture, warmth...).

To our audience, which we hope can be more and more numerous as well as intrigued by our publications, we want to dedicate a little final advice... to fully grasp the points in common as well as the specific characteristics that respectively bind and distinguish Il Sapiente and Caveja we suggest a parallel tasting: placed side by side the two glasses will reveal their most authentic soul, stimulating, as never before, your imagination and curiosity and, more importantly, they will offer you multiple, exciting ideas for comparing with your tasting companions...

... for, just as King Edward VII said

"One not only drinks the wine, one smells it, observes it, tastes it, sips it and … one talks about it!"

Wine of The Month: "Il Fascinoso"

On a warm summer evening, under the stars made even more brilliant by the joy of being able to find the company of your closest friends: what better occasion to taste the new vintage of one of our most successful white wines? 

In our latest articles we talked a lot about the production of white wines of Tenute d'Italia, in particular how it is based on two types of vines: the native ones, destined for processes deeply faithful to the production tradition of our territory, Romagna, and the so-called international ones, used to create products suitable for meeting the taste of different markets all over the world. 

With "Il Fascinoso", Chardonnay Trebbiano Rubicone I.G.P., Tenute d'Italia achieves the perfect synthesis of these two orientations, offering its customers a genuine wine, a faithful spokesperson for the wine tradition of the Santerno Valley but, at the same time, an excellent candidate for a leading role on the international scene.

As its name reveals, which includes the mention of two vines, Il Fascinoso is in fact the result of the union of what could be well defined as the principal representatives of the two categories of vines mentioned above: Trebbiano, undisputed king of viticulture from Romagna, and Chardonnay, perhaps the most widespread white grape variety in the world. 

The mention of both types in the denomination on the label tells us that the contribution of each type is also quite significant. That allows us to anticipate an eloquent presence of their typical fragrances also in our glass

The name of this wine literally means "full of charm, which attracts with its own charm", and perhaps no name was more suitable: by pouring Il Fascinoso into the glass, the gaze is immediately enraptured by its intense, brilliant colour, like a rare and precious yellow sapphire. Perfectly clear, it reveals graceful golden reflections and an intriguing consistency: if the first citrus scents that we already perceive on the nose suggest a marked freshness, the impression is certainly that of being in the presence of a wine from which we can expect an interesting structure.

At the first scent, the fruity hints dominate clearly: yellow, fresh, from juicy citrus fruits - grapefruit, blonde orange - to tasty tropical fruits, among which pineapple and passion fruit stand out. We then rotateIl Fascinoso in the glass and let its bouquet fully open, which is enriched with floral hints, aromatic herbs, but above all with a sweet spicy summit - soft, fully pleasant - conferred by the short aging in wood that perfectly harmonises the entire olfactory profile.

We come then to the tasting and letIl Fascinoso complete its game of seduction with elegant charm. On the palate it is full, resolute: if freshness is the characteristic that first strikes our attention, the exquisite tertiary note that clearly defines the prodigious body of this Chardonnay Trebbiano will be what remains etched in our memory.

For these characteristics,Il Fascinoso undoubtedly lends itself as an excellent aperitif wine, accompanied by some inviting appetizers, but it can be equally successful on the table to accompany our meal.

The singular combination of structure and freshness that we find inIl Fascinoso allows us to give our imagination a wide margin, pursuing numerous pairing possibilities, even with dishes with rather complex flavours. 

Il Fascinoso has in fact all the credentials to shine in combination with spicy dishes, I think in particular of Indian cuisine and its excellent curry dishes, but also of great classics (simply timeless) such as poached eggs served with asparagus, Parmesan cheese and some truffle flakes.

Wine of The Month: "Il Sapiente - Limited Edition 2"

As our more attentive readers will certainly have noticed, in September we skipped our usual appointment with the Wine of the Month, the column that we dedicate to the presentation of the rich selection on offer in the Tenute d’Italia catalogue.

The start of the harvest took all our attention, and we hope you are enjoying the little information project we are carrying out to tell you in detail the fascinating process of winemaking.

In recent weeks, our team's work has not been limited to the production of the new vintage, but has also involved the creation of a new, important product to enrich Tenute d’Italia’s proposals. In fact, right at the start of September, the Rosso Rubicone I.G.P. “Il Sapiente - Limited Edition 2” came to light.

Following the great success of the first Limited Edition, born from a proudly Romagnolan blend of Barbera and Sangiovese but with explicit international aspirations, for the new wine of the Conte Zardi line our team of oenologists opted for an even more intense look at the panorama of international taste, focusing on the magic of the encounter between Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.

A real Bordeaux-style blend, which openly pays homage to the extraordinary wine tradition from the other side of the Alps without however, losing the link with its own land, whose imprint is jealousy preserved in the complex aromatic profile.

From the very beginning, everything speaks of the great body of this wine: we are bewitched by the substantial fluidity with which it fills our glass, and we still linger to admire the vigorous elegance of its rotational movements. The ruby ​​red colour is intense, brilliant, alluring in its gift of seductive violet reflections that allude to the fullness and maturity of the aromas of our wine.

The aromatic picture is a wonderful example of integration between the principal characteristics of the vines that make up the blend: the enchanting fruity hints of cherry and plum of theMerlot are combined with the elegant herbaceous notes typical of Cabernet Sauvignon, giving to Il Sapiente - Edition 2  a complex and captivating olfactory profile, a perfect prelude to tasting. Opening up on the palate is an ode to softness: full and round, the warmth of this magnificent wine pervades and conquers the taste, suggesting the final details that complete the portrait of our wine.

The strong point of the tasting is undoubtedly the perception of the ability with which the balance of the imposing body is pursued, masterfully supported by the marked freshness and the dense weave of tannins, characteristics capable of suggesting, among other things, a considerable evolutionary potential of this Rosso Rubicone I.G.P. “Il Sapiente - Limited Edition 2.

On the table there are endless pairing possibilities, above all we would undoubtedly recommend meat main courses, from the most classic roasts to more structured dishes, preferably enriched with aromatic herbs - sage, rosemary, juniper - or noble ingredients such as porcini mushrooms or black truffle.

Wine of The Month: "Il Sapiente"

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Our tasting exhibition, devoted to the wines in the Tenute d’Italia catalogue, opens this year, 2021, with what is undoubtedly one of the most well known and valued wines of our production: Sangiovese Rubicone I.G.P. “Il Sapiente”of the Conte Zardi line. 

Although it started life as a commercial project specifically designed for the North European market, Il Sapiente soon managed to expand the boundaries of its admirers, establishing itself as a truly winning product on the entire national and international scene. Thanks to its special characteristics, this Sangiovese Rubicone I.G.P. manages to masterfully reconcile the vigorous body of the sturdy romagna vine with a precious tertiary contribution of clear international inspiration, to compose a product able to amaze both the overseas public and Italian wine lovers.

Read also: The First Wines of the Year: "Il Sapiente" & "Caveja"

As mentioned in our introductory article, the first factor contributing to the particularity of Il Sapiente is the blend: as consented by the production disciplinary to which it refers - the "Rubicone" Protected Geographical Indication - the oenologists of Tenute d'Italia have fully exploited the possibility of integrating the main variety (the one mentioned on the label, in this case Sangiovese, for which a minimum contribution of 85% is expected) with a second type of grape for the remaining 15%.

Following numerous studies, the choice (happily) fell on Syrah, a variety with a full, decisive character, perfect for refining the organoleptic profile of Sangiovese with its own unmistakable notes. A happy marriage whose light shines with every approach to the glass.

The colour of Il Sapiente, an intense ruby red embellished with brilliant purple reflections, immediately reveals the magic that comes from the encounter between Sangiovese and Syrah, but the movement in the glass does not enchant only for the bewitching play of colours and reflections: the taster's gaze is captive by the exemplary texture shown to the rotation in the glass, made even more enchanting by the perfect geometries of the arches. A first look that suggests a substantial body, alive and full, as fresh as the first bite of a freshly picked, perfectly ripe plum.

More than to the eye, though, it is on the nose that the contribution of Syrah manifests all its genuineness, with the unmistakable aromatic notes of this special variety that do much more than complement the typical Sangiovese bouquet. The profound sense of the relationship that binds the two vines that make up the blend of Il Sapiente can indeed go far beyond the simple sum of sensations, to pursue rather the search for an interaction capable of creating a unique, unprecedented profile.

In this sense there are at least three important elements in which we can recognize the pillars of the olfactory profile of Il Sapiente.

The first could be named after the assonances, that is, those notes typical of the aromatic profiles of both vines, such as black cherry, plum and juicy blueberries. The use of these two types of grape allows these characteristics to unfold from a double perspective, acquiring as a whole a greater depth and complexity.

Secondly, on the opposite front, we find the game of combinations between the notes specific to each grape, the Sangiovese and the Syrah. As already mentioned, the goal pursued by our team of oenologists was not limited to the simple sum of the different aromas, but rather, they sought a true integration in search of new impressions. Exemplary in this sense is the encounter of the typical floral component of Sangiovese (rose and violet) with the tantalizing spicy notes of black pepper and chocolate brought by Syrah.

Finally, the last (but not least) distinctive element of Il Sapiente intervenes to support this process of creating an absolutely original bouquet: following a vinification process carried out entirely in steel, the production process of this Sangiovese Rubicone IGP ends with a period of ageing from 4 to 6 months in French oak tonneaux (large barrels). This choice, in addition to giving further vivacity to its spicy component, gives Il Sapiente that perfect roundness that embraces and harmonizes the entire spectrum of aromas, a precious seal on a wine that can well be said to be truly accomplished.

The grandiose expectations raised by the olfactory analysis are finally fully confirmed at the tasting: the palate is pervaded by the softness of Il Sapiente - conferred by the significant sugar residue and the robust alcoholic shoulder, expertly harmonized by the ageing in wood - which are immediately appended by the fresher, keener components, a contrast which gives the structure a solid - and very pleasant - balance.

In this case too, it is evident how the complete picture of the taste profile of Il Sapiente is traced by the deep interconnection between its different components, which support each other within a structure in which each element plays an essential role: exemplary in this sense the skilful interplay between the acid component (freshness) and the complex set of spicy sensations, but also the perfect balance between the sweet fleshiness of the body and the sophisticated tannin.

A complex, three-dimensional wine: Il Sapiente is a wine that opens up multiple perspectives not only in the glass, but also on our table

The strongly international declination conferred on the robust vigour of Sangiovese make Il Sapiente an excellent accompaniment for different expressions of cuisine, from the more traditional ones that refer to the typically Italian culture of homemade pasta to the most diverse variations from beyond our borders: stews or meatballs served in rich sauce, roasted meat with bittersweet garnishes (blueberry duck) and spicy fish soups.

Wine of the Month: "Il Sapiente"... White!

The new products in the Tenute d’Italia catalogue for 2021 are starting to come to light, and the first new entry that we present to you is certainly one of the most eagerly anticipated.

Il Sapiente”… doubled!

One of the most successful labels within the Tenute d’Italia offer is in fact now available not only in the historic red version (Sangiovese Rubicone I.G.P.) but also in the new white edition (Chardonnay Trebbiano Rubicone I.G.P.).

Il Sapiente” thus relaunches its image, becoming a real brand, confirming both its style - simple but captivating, now even more recognisable - as well as its inspiration, or the desire to pay heartfelt homage to the Romagna wine tradition.

In fact, it is no coincidence that the blend chosen for this new white version is perhaps the one that most of all embodies the extraordinary potential offered by the encounter between the passion that binds us to our land and the fabulous suggestions offered by the international market.

Il Sapiente” Chardonnay Trebbiano Rubicone I.G.P. makes its conquests by its ability to translate this embrace between tradition and innovation into a product that is simple (but never banal!), and clear, able to relate frankly to the consumer,involving him in a sensory journey that starts from Romagna and projects itself to the world.

Clear, brilliant, “Il Sapiente” flows fluidly in the glass, revealing its unmistakable bouquet, in which the tropical fruity notes typical of Chardonnay meet the most genuine hints of Trebbiano, from the suggestion of crunchy golden apple to the delicate hint of acacia honey.

Intense and harmonious, also on the palate our Chardonnay Trebbiano is a triumph of freshness that tickles both our taste and our imagination for recognition of the numerous aromas, while the adequate residual sugar gives it roundness and excellent persistence.

In perfect harmony with the production philosophy that distinguishes the entire Conte Zardi line, "Il Sapiente" confirms its extraordinary versatility on the table also in the white version, accompanying with style first courses based on fish (spaghetti with clams, shrimp and vegetable risotto) homemade pasta (tortelli with butter and sage, tagliatelle with mushrooms), but also second courses of more international inspiration such as chicken curry and sweet and sour pork.

Il Sapiente” Chardonnay Trebbiano Rubicone I.G.P. therefore makes its debut on the market with full intentions to reaffirm and expand the success of its brand, which, after the important developments in recent years - with the launch of limited editions - is preparing to make a new, important commercial turning point...

... this new white version may not in fact be the only novelty that Tenute d’Italia has in store for the Il Sapiente / Conte Zardi brand!

Hoping with this little teaser to have tickled your curiosity, we invite you to continue to follow us so as not to miss any updates on all our activities and projects scheduled for 2021.

For more information on the wines of the Conte Zardi line, you can consult the relevant section on the website or contact our sales department directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wine of the Month: Ilione

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As we recount this great story and offer it to you through our blog, we can’t ignore what may be described as the children of our passion: our wines.

Each month we are going to offer you a contribution from our colleague, Master Oenogastronomist Sommelier AIES Veronica Casella, dedicated to one of the products in the Tenute d’Italia catalogue, to give you a close up view of our philosophy and our work. It may just excite your curiosity!

So we’ll immediately clear the field for the first article/tasting that Veronica has dedicated to a really special wine, not just for its quality but above all for what it represents in our personal history: the Romagna D.O.C Sangiovese Superiore"Ilione” is in fact the first organic wine produced by Tenute d’Italia, the fruit of intense research that our team hopes to be able extend to the entire “Canale dei Molini” line.

The truly exceptional situation we are experiencing in recent months is profoundly affecting both our daily lives and the real traditions that mark our lives.
For the first time I have in fact had to renounce the traditional Easter lunch in the home of my maternal grandmother, a fixed appointment not only in its regularity in the family calendar but also in the menu.
Strictly circumscribed in every one of its courses, it has always represented a kind of security in terms of quality (and abundance!) for the whole family.

Despite the impossibility of being able to share personally, I have however decided to carry on the tradition to the best extent possible by consulting my grandmother over the phone to get her recipes and precious advice on the preparations and thus honouring (even at a distance) that special moment of sharing.

One of the most crucial moments of the preparations was certainly the choice of wine to be served at table and to be paired with the fruit of all my (quite unremarkable!) efforts in the kitchen. I was looking for a full-bodied wine, with character, able to deal with the rich preparations of the family culinary repertoire, but at the same time I had the desire to include in the logic of my pairing that small, but fundamental element of innovation that lies at the basis of every step through which an ancient tradition is handed down, facing a new future.

And that’s when I thought of Ilione; a wine that renders homage to one of the oldest wine making traditions of Romagna, that has as a protagonist the vigorous Sangiovese, combining it with the most modern wine making and aging techniques.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to appreciate also its most recent evolution in the bottle, I opted for the 2017 - the second, and so far, the latest production since its debut in 2016.

The thing that strikes one immediately is the exquisite ruby red that immediately reveals the complete fidelity with which this wine depicts the Sangiovese grape: brilliant and profound, Ilione enchants the eye, as only a great classic, a true timeless beauty is able to do.

A gentle rotation of the glass reveals the first features of Ilione's magnificent body and exudes the first scents, tantalising our sense of smell.

Approaching the glass, the great typicality of this Sangiovese is expressed in all its detail: a luxurious prelude of blackberries and cherries introduces the concert of floral scents in which the notes of violet excel, finely articulated on a crescendo of spicy tones, most prevalent of which are vanilla and black pepper.

Intense, fragrant, surprising for the wide persistence of its charm but above all for the cleanness of the scents; clearer and more recognizable than ever, they give us a faithful, even masterly, portrait of the Sangiovese in it’s purest form.

Now we’ve finally arrived at the tasting, where we realize that the slow, gradual preparation up to this point has made it even more special: if the desire to taste Ilione was already awoken at the first glance, the gradual unveiling of each characteristic has in fact the power to render the last act of our tasting a real triumph of pleasure.

The full, fragrant body harmonises with the extraordinary freshness on which the scents are already perceived by the nose: we pick up the dense juiciness of the blackberries, the crunchiness of the cherries, to finally catch the provocative spicy hints typical of the vine, harmonized with the soft tannins that wrap gently around the palate.

In short, what we perceive on the palate is not just the unfolding of a fine, elegant, masterfully balanced wine: Ilione’s excellence is revealed in the profound coherence that binds each of its characteristics and makes its tasting an indispensable experience for every wine lover.

This Organic Romagna D.O.C Sangiovese Superiore 2017 has proved to be an excellent pairing for almost all of my lunch courses, from the aubergine parmigiana to the roast kid, to the inevitable fried lamb ribs.

To our next tasting!

Wine of the month: LARONE – Rosso Rubicone IGP

This month we would like to introduce to you one of our wines that is finding great success on the national and international scene.

Il Larone, Rosso Rubicone IGP of Tenute del Principe, is born of the desire to pay homage to the Romagnola enological tradition, ennobling and developing it by the use of new wine making techniques.

In fact, this wine comes from an unprecedented blend in which Sangiovese (50%) is enhanced by combination with two impetuous native vines (Malbo Gentile 25%, Centesimino 15%) and the spicy touch of Syrah (10%).

The grapes are over-ripened in the field leaving them on the plant for 30-40 days beyond the normal harvesting date.

This partial drying only enhances the individual characteristics of each vine, giving more intense and evolved aromas.

gruppo 3 bottiglie

The fermentation of this wine, first in maceration on the skins at a controlled temperature of around 22 degrees for a period of around 20 days and subsequently subjected to malolactic fermentation, allows this wine to develop a rich aroma, redolent with ripe woodland fruits, blackberry jam and notes of tobacco and leather. On the palate it is broad, soft and persistent, with a finish of brandied fruits.

Even the refinement process has been carefully studied by our oenologists to allow an unprecedented and indistinguishable result. In fact, wooden barrels of different volumes are used, the essences are both American and French oak with rather particular toasting.

It is a wine that lends itself to pairing with red meats, game and mature cheeses, but it is also a contemplative wine to be enjoyed with friends and relatives on special occasions.

Wine tasting: let's start...from the end!

We have long thought about how to make the subject of tasting accessible to our public, who we imagine are comprised of wine lovers, curious to be able to expand their consumer experience. Our discussion may be considered rather simple, perhaps even banal for an expert in the sector, but we wish to hold firm to our goal of dedicating our work to all wine lovers, starting with those who are taking their very first steps in this wonderful - and very complex!! - world.

As we said, we have reflected a lot on how we should go about dealing with the subject of tasting in order to be able to transmit, in a simple way, its profound complexity.

In short, our starting point was a real contradiction in terms. Not in the least discouraged, we - on the contrary - drew inspiration precisely from the contradiction contained in our assertion, and we therefore decided to… start from the end!

The first subject we will deal with will in fact be the final phase of the tasting, that is the formulation of the overall opinion on the wine.

We are convinced that clarifying the goal we set ourselves every time we prepare to taste a wine, fully understanding what we are aiming for, can throw more - and better - light on the understanding of the different stages of sensory analysis.

Let's start by saying that the final judgement we are going to formulate is not actually just one, but will be composed of three distinct evaluations of the whole.


2. THE QUALITY, in terms of finesse and the complexity of aromas that we were able to detect during the sensory analysis

3. THE CONGRUITY, that is to say how much the organoleptic characteristics harmonise with one other and are consistent with the type of wine tasted. In future articles we will see precisely how the theme of congruity calls into question another key concept of tasting, that of typicality, understood as adherence to the criteria - categorically typical - both of the vine and of the territory from which the wine originates.

Although they come at the end of a sensory analysis, and consequently draw their impetus from subjectiveperceptions, we can still see how the sense of each of these judgements aspires to assume an objective character.

It is precisely in this element that lies the incredible charm and at the same time the fabulous complexity of tasting: on the same path that we tread to refine our personaltaste, we confidently search for an increasingly perfectobjectivity. It is a delicate interplay of cross-referencing in which the one can never overwhelm or be overwhelmed by the other.

Wine tasting: the rules of bon ton

Enjoying a good wine while sitting at the table with your friends or in sweet company, is always a good habit.

Although it is a sweet pleasure, however, wine also has its rules, which must be respected and followed: who should be served first? Does the wine you chose match that particular menu? Is the glass you selected the right one? Tasting a good wine and sharing it with whoever we decide, therefore, becomes a well-defined path, an engaging experience capable of integrating culture, habits and love for one's own land.

How to pour wine: the importance of first impressions

The etiquette suggests to take care of the combinations between dishes and wines, as well as of the choice of the glasses for the diners. The rules of bon ton are very clear in this regard: women first, then the men and finally the hosts. But how is wine poured and how is it served to the diners?

Wine should always be served by placing ourselves behind the diner and pouring it from the right side: this behavior seems to come from the times of the Medici in Florence, when poisonings were particularly widespread. In fact, at the time, rings often contained substantial doses of poison which, when the wine was poured from the left, garnished the victim's drink by letting the poison fall into the glass.

Although times have changed, it is always better not to take risks: pouring the wine from the left could still bring bad luck!

How to hold the glass of wine: elegance and respect

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Holding a glass of wine in your hand is not too daring a task, but there is still a right way – and a wrong one. The general rule is to always hold the stem of the glass and not the belly: only the first three fingers of the hand must come into contact with the glass, while the ring and little fingers should simply remain resting on the base of the glass, in the way as natural as possible.

Finally, what about the famous whirling rotation of the glass of wine during tastings? Does it really bring some benefit or is it just a splendid and famous scenic effect?

In fact, the main reason why we proceed with this practice is the oxygenation of the wine: during the tasting phase, the rotation of the wine serves to aerate the liquid and to combine oxygen with its aromatic particles, favoring its propagation.

It can therefore be deduced that rotation is necessary, above all for some types of wines, like for example all structured reds subjected to a long aging process, where only aromas imprisoned for a long time in the bottle can express themselves.

Wine tasting is therefore a careful and meticulous process, with peculiar characteristics and rules to be followed: a splendid journey into the wine culture, to be sipped slowly, with great respect and curiosity.

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Tenute D'Italia is a trade mark of Morini s.r.l.
VAT 00615541208 e 03367140377
Tel +39 0542 641194 - Imola (BO) Italy